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4th Edition - AI & Cybersecurity


Cybersecurity: Time To Collaborate!



Cybersecurity: Time to Collaborate!

November 21st - 23rd, 2022 | Centre Mont-Royal, Montréal, Canada

The 4th edition of the Canada-Italy Business Forum on AI will focus on AI and Cybersecurity.

The last few years have brought the threat of cyber-attacks on individuals, businesses, and nations into sharp focus. There has been a strong acceleration of technological trajectories and policies dedicated to cybersecurity, and at the crossroads with the theme of artificial intelligence.

The need for cybersecurity appears to be a priority theme for the protection and safe-guarding not only of so-called critical infrastructures, space and defense, but also of businesses, industry and consumers.

There is nonetheless the need for greater public-private cooperation to accelerate the development of responses, share innovative solutions and develop the critical resources, both skills-based and technological, to address this challenge.

Governments and business, cannot tackle this alone; more intense collaboration is required.

This year, the Forum will bring together Canadian and Italian government bodies, technological clusters, universities, large companies, SMEs and technological start-ups, along with expert speakers and panelists, in a hybrid format. The technologies and innovations of these key players will be highlighted, as well as potential opportunities for collaboration and networking on both sides of the ocean.

Location : Centre Mont-Royal - 2200 Mansfield St, Montreal, Quebec H3A 3R8

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preliminary program

confirmed speakers, panelists and testimonials

Speakers to be announced soon

Business opportunities

More details coming soon!

What People are Saying



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