Stefano Cattorini – General Director, BI-REX
General Director / BI-REX (Big Data Innovation & Research Excellence), Industry 4.0 Competence Center
Stefano Cattorini is the General Director at BI-REX, a public-private center assisting SMEs in adopting Industry 4.0 enabling technologies through technology advisory and assessment, design and validation of innovative solutions, and training. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Commercial Law from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, a Master’s degree in Commercial Law from Bocconi University and an Executive Key Account Management (KAM) Certificate from the London Business School.
He has achieved much success in his professional career and has extensive experience in business management. He worked as an IT & Telecommunications Manager at Ericsson for 18 years before accepting his current position in 2019 and he is now committed to working on Industry 4.0.