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Michela Milano – Full Professor, DISI Institute

Full Professor / University of Bologna

Michela Milano has been a full professor in computer science at the DISI Institute – University of Bologna since April 2016. Her research interests include decision support systems based on constraint programming and her integration with Integer linear programming. In this area, Michela Milano has gained international visibility and collaborates with numerous research groups. She is editor-in-chief of Constraints newspaper, domain editor for Constraint Programming Letters in the field of research and domain editor of the journal INFORMS on computing in logic, constraint and optimization.

She is a member of the organizing committee of CPAIOR and the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence as well as a member of the executive committee of the Association for Constraint Programming. Michela Milano is also a member of the EurAI Board of Directors and Vice President of the European Association of Artificial Intelligence and Executive Advisor of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence. In 2016, she received the Faculty Research Award on Deep Network Use in Combinatorial Optimization.

Presentation during the Plenary >> |