Marko Bertogna – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Full Professor and leader of the HiPeRT Lab / University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Marko Bertogna is Full Professor and leader of the HiPeRT Lab. His main research interests are in High-Performance Real-Time systems, Autonomous Driving and Industrial Automation systems. In 2008, he received a PhD in Computer Sciences from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa.
He has authored more than 100 papers, receiving the 2009 Best Paper Award for the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, and 9 other Best Paper Awards in first level international conferences. He coordinated multiple EU and industrial projects, securing more than 10 MEuro in funding for his research group.
He is CEO and founder of the academic spinoff HiPeRT Srl, and co-founder of the spinoff Minerva Systems.