Founded in 2019, the startup is developing NEOD – New Energy on Demand, a mobile energy station for electric vehicles. RMG designs its products and prototypes using 3D CAD models, important for FEM and CFD analysis. Strong Energy competences of RMG engineers allow to predict the overall automotive market and to introduce new services and products, continuously innovating.
NEOD – New Energy on Demand is a mobile energy station, installed on light-duty commercial vehicle, addressed to 100% electric cars and vans. It exploits renewable fuels such as biogas and hydrogen to generate electric power, without any grid connection. E-drivers will be able to request or even book the mobile energy station via app. Using (with prior consent) position tool of smartphones, the system can identify the address of the electric vehicle to recharge, and a NEOD operator will take care of client’s vehicle.
Value proposition
Target of NEOD is to make fast-charging easy to use, transportable and comfortable. Especially in Italy, e-drivers must plan the recharge of the vehicle, identifying the charging station closest to destination with the risk to find it occupied. In addition, for the whole energy transfer period, the driver cannot get away from the electric column. DC Fast-charging as structured nowadays is an enormous time investment, in a society where time is few and precious. With Energy on Demand, time to be invested for vehicle’s recharge is zero, and energy management of the vehicle can be done directly via smartphone app.
