On May 29th, the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada (ICCC) invited its members for the Annual General Meeting, at a location which is emblematic of international trade. The magnificent showroom of the Montreal Port Authority served as the backdrop when the ICCC proudly presented the new Board of Directors for the 2018-2019 period. This new Board of Directors, elected during the Annual General Meeting, reflects the diversity of the many sectors represented by our members.
The Assembly renewed the mandate of 6 administrators and elected 2 new members on the ICCC’s Board of Directors.
Therefore, the Honorable Liza Frulla and Messrs. Gaspare Colletti, Carmine D’Argenio, Albert De Luca, Paul Legault and Mose Persico, saw their mandate renewed for 2 years. Mr. Fernando Petreccia and Mr. Vito Piazza were elected on the Board of the ICCC for a 2-year term.
Here is the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada’s 2018-2019 Board of Directors:
Executive Committee
- Emmanuel Triassi, Chairman and President of the Board – Vice-Chair, Astaldi Canada & Executive Chair, TEQ
- Marie Anna Bacchi, Executive Vice-President – Senior Director, Villa Maria
- Gaspare Colletti, Vice-President Promotions – President, Les Aliments Cell
- Paul E. Legault, Legal Secretary – Associate, Miller Thomson
- Patricia Occhiuto, Treasurer – Co-President, Les Importations Mini Italia Inc.
- Mark Anthony Serri – Managing Director Mid Market M&A National Client Group, RBC Royal Bank
Board Members
- Giovanni Barberio – Associate, Barberio & Associés
- Carmine D’Argenio – President, BMW-Mini Laval
- Albert De Luca – Associate, Deloitte
- Éric Dequenne – Vice-President for International Affairs, Investissement Québec
- Liza Frulla – CEO, ITHQ
- Rosetta Iacono – Director, Growth and Development, Port of Montreal
- Tony Loffreda – Vice-Chairman, RBC Wealth Management
- Mose Persico – News Production & Features Reporter, CTV Montreal
- Fernando Petreccia – President and CEO, Muraflex
- Vito Piazza – Group President, Senior Partner, Sid Lee
The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada would like to thank Mrs. Carmela Zampini, Vice-President, Sales, Bell Enterprise, Québec, Bell; Me Anthony Franceschini, Partner, Dentons; and Mr. Orlando Napolitano, outgoing members of the Board of Directors, for their contribution, involvement and dedication to the ICCC’s mission.