Sergio Dompé – Vice President, Assolombarda Life Sciences
Vice President / Assolombarda Life Sciences
Sergio Dompé is an entrepreneur in the biopharmaceutical sector, with growing roles in the world of institutions and industry.
Starting from 80s – one of the forerunners in Italy – he has understood the value of biotechnologies in Life Science field. In 2018 Cenegermin, the first biotech principle NGF-based for the treatment of a rare eye disease, was recognized as Breakthrough Therapy Designation by the FDA.
This important milestone was possible thanks to continuous investments in research and development and in innovative production processes. In the last years Dompé has given impetus to new initiatives in areas such as biotech (Philogen since 2004), artificial intelligence, robotics (Movendo Technology since 2017), new materials and nanotech (Directa Plus since 2016 and Materias since 2019).
Sergio Dompé has involved in Institutions and Industry associations with different charges among the years: President of Assobiotec (1998-2004); President of Farmindustria (2005-2011); President of the CNR Evaluation Committee (2006-2011); Vice President of Assolombarda Life Sciences (since 2019). In 2020 has been appointed Chair for the Life Sciences task force at the 2021 B20, the G20’s satellite business summit.
The honors in the scientific and institutional fields include: honorary degrees in Biotechnology with a focus on pharmaceuticals (Bologna, 1996), Medical Biotechnology (L’Aquila, 2005) and Pharmacy (Urbino, 2010).