Gianluca Mazzini – Lepida ScpA
General Director / Lepida SpA
Gianluca Mazzini received his Bachelor’s degree and PhD from the University of Bologna in 1992 and 1996. Since 1996, he has held a position at the University of Ferrara. He’s been teaching Telecommunications courses and has supervised over 150 theses and 15 doctorates. He has published over 300 international scientific articles with review.
He was Associate Editor of the IEEE for 9 years. He has managed over 40 research projects, of which 20 with the role of coordinator. He has been in over 60 Technical Committees of international conferences. He is an IEEE Fellow for his contribution to the design of chaos-based electronic and telecommunications systems.
Gianluca MAzzini has been a member of various scientific councils including: CNIT, GARR, Tecnolopo di Cento, ICT of the Emilia-Romagna Region, ASTER, Iperbole Wireless of the Municipality of Bologna, Guglielmo Marconi Foundation. He was Director of Research & Development of Lepida SpA, General Manager of Cup2000 ScpA, member of the Board of Directors of Lepida SpA, member of the Board of Directors of CNIT. Since 2009 he has been Director of Lepida SpA which in 2019 became Lepida ScpA.
In 2019, he became a member of the Board of Directors of the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation.