WEBINAR: Smart and sustainable farming: good practices and co-operation pathways
- Novembre 22
- 16H00
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Evento organizzato nel quadro del 2° Forum per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile della Regione Lombardia.
- Quali le caratteristiche e le potenzialità della bioeconomia in Lombardia ed in Quebec?
- Quali le innovazioni e gli showcases più significativi dell’agricoltura digitale e sostenibile?
- Come si stanno sviluppando i processi di circolarità?
- E quali le potenzialità di integrazione e scambio tra i due contesti territoriali per le imprese, i centri di ricerca, gli stakeholder del settore?
Sono queste le domande-chiave alla base webinar cui parteciperanno cluster, esperti di settore, imprese leader delle due sponde dell’oceano.
*Lingua di lavoro : Inglese
Moderator: Olivier Demers-Dubé, Directeur projets/Programmes d’innovation, Zone Agtech
16:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks
- Danielle Virone, Executive Director, ICCC
- Sergio Riva, President, Lombardy Green Chemistry Association
16:05 Visions and strategies: State of the art of the Protocol for the Sustainable development and the emerging opportunities of the Recovery Fund
- Raffaele Cattaneo, Minister of the Environment and Climate, Lombardy Region
16:15 Quebec and Lombardy: A Comparative Overview
- Ruggiera Sarcina, Director – Italy, ICCC
16:20 Smart and Sustainable Farming in Lombardy
- Ilaria Re, Head of Project management, Lombardy Green Chemistry Association
16:30 Smart and Sustainable Farming in Québec
- Guillaume Béland, Director – Direct Investment, Zone Agtech
16:40 Case studies – Smart and sustainable success stories in the farming sector
- AI applied in irrigation et fertilisation
- Plant breeding and genomics: an approach to climate change
- Upcycling Waste: A winning approach for the Bioeconomy
- Council for Agricultural Research and Analysis of Agricultural – Dr Nicolò Pricca
- Isagro Spa – Dr Riccardo Liguori
- Hortau – Yann Periard Larrivée
- Micheline Ayoub
- Bland de Gris – Dominique Lynch-Gauthier
- ARVATech Srl – Dr Savio Landonio
17:10 Q&A
17:15 Round table: Challenges and Perspectives
Lombardy Researchers:
- Carlotta Balconi, Council for Agricultural Research and Analysis of Agricultural Economics.
Genetic improvement of cereal and industrial crops. Exploit the opportunities offered by new disciplines (genomics, metabolomics, Big Data) for a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying and the factors limiting plant productivity in the context of cereal and industrial systems
- Enrico Calzavacca, AB Impianti Srl
Smart agriculture and upcycling of urban and agricultural renewable waste for the production of sustainable fertilizers and bioenergy. Innovative solutions to promote the sustainable use of the territory where waste becomes an inexhaustible source of energy and value.
Québec Researchers:
- Jean Caron, Université de Laval
Interests: Characterization of soils and artificial environments; Irrigation of crops in an artificial environment; Soil physics; greenhouse; Movement of water and gases in agricultural and forest soils (minerals and organic)
- Geneviève Arsenault-Labrecque, Ph. D. Plant Sciences – Centre de recherche et d’innovation sur les végétaux (CRIV) – Soyagen
CoFounder Ayos Diagnostics offers soybean growers a diagnostic tool to reduce the spread of certain diseases in their crops, including Phytophthora rot, which causes significant annual losses in Canada. This molecular tool uses genetic markers that quickly and accurately identify the different strains of a disease from a simple soil or plant sample. It will allow producers to choose adapted and resistant soybean varieties.
17:45 Q&A
17:55 Closing remarks
- Olivier Demers-Dubé, Directeur projets/Programmes d’innovation, Zone Agtech
- Ilaria Re, Head of Project management, Lombardy Green Chemistry Association
- Ruggiera Sarcina, Director – Italy CCIC
- Luca Zucchelli, Director of the Agri-Food Development, Supply Chain Integration and Environmental Compatibility Department, Lombardy Region
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