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Cocktail du président

The ICCC is delighted to invite its members, partners, and friends to a friendly cocktail reception to mark the beginning of a promising new year. This will be an opportunity to raise our glasses together and share a glimpse of the major events that will shape 2025, reflecting the commitment and collaboration at the heart (Read More)


6a Edizione – Business Forum Italia-Canada sull’Intelligenza Artificiale

PREMESSA: IL BUSINESS FORUM ITALIA CANADA SULL’IA L’area metropolitana di Montreal è uno degli hub mondiali più importanti per big data e intelligenza artificiale. Una delle più grandi concentrazioni di ricercatori e scienziati e alcuni dei più innovativi centri di R&D specializzati – MILA (Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms), IVADO (Artificial Intelligence Institute); grandi player (Read More)


Gala della CCIC with Chef Carlo Cracco

Under the honorary presidency of Mr. Nicolas Touchette, Co-Owner, Chief Operating Officer, and CEO of Groupe Touchette, experience the pinnacle of sophistication at the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada’s exclusive celebration, bringing together 300 prominent members, partners, and stakeholders from the province’s business community. Savor an unparalleled gastronomic journey crafted by the renowned Michelin-starred chef (Read More)


Green Connexions: Canada-Italia

The inaugural event in Montreal will unite key national and provincial stakeholders from across the bioeconomy ecosystem, including government officials, municipalities, industry leaders, startups, academic institutions, research organizations, investors, and entrepreneurs. Luncheon Conference with Frédéric Gauchet   Join us for a luncheon where you’ll have the opportunity to meet the founder and CEO of Minakem, (Read More)


Webinar : Opportunità di Business in Canada

Nona economia al mondo per valore assoluto del PIL, il Canada presenta un’economia avanzata in espansione. Al primo posto tra i paesi del G7 per libertà economica e progresso sociale, offre ottime condizioni per avviare delle attività commerciali ed elevate potenzialità di crescita del business. La Camera di commercio di Cuneo, in collaborazione con Ceipiemonte, (Read More)


ExportHub Days – PromoFirenze

Cos’è? Un’opportunità gratuita di incontri con esperti dei principali mercati esteri. Durante ciascun appuntamento verrà dato un orientamento sui mercati prescelti e informazioni su come muoversi per avviare o consolidare l’attività di export. Sarà l’occasione per valutare insieme servizi più approfonditi, quali la ricerca partner o altri servizi di assistenza. Per questi servizi personalizzati, le aziende fiorentine potranno beneficiare (Read More)


Calendar 2024

February 13 – Cocktail du président May 1st – Annual General Assembly for Members June 14 – G7 Summit Satellite Event : Turning Goals into Action 18 – Club Affaires Québec-Italia : Québec’s AI Ecosystem – Business Forum Italy-Canada on AI July 4 – Green Connexions : Luncheon Conference with Frédéric Gauchet, Founder and CEO (Read More)


5th edition – Canada-Italy Business Forum on AI

FROM SPACE TO EARTH – FROM EARTH TO SPACE: THE ROLE OF AI A recent report by the Space Forum at the Organization for Co-operation and Development Economic (OECD-OECD) stresses the importance of space activities for the economy and development of new supply chains and skills. In fact, many space-derived technologies are now part of (Read More)


ICCC’s New Year Brindisi

The ICCC is pleased to invite its members, partners and friends to a friendly cocktail to share their wishes and celebrate the New Year. Date : February 1st, 2023 Time : 6pm – 8pm Location : 550, Sherbrooke West, Suite 1150, Montréal, H3A 1B9 RSVP before January 24th Tel : 514-844-4249 ext. 224 @ : (Read More)

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