Marie Anna Bacchi, Director General at Villa Maria high school, joined the program “Chamber mentoring for international growth”, led in Montreal by the ICCC, as Mentor.
“The opportunity to mentor professionals outside the country brings an extra touch of motivation and complexity: markets, culture and business practices from other countries remain a great learning experience for mentors.”
Marie Anna Bacchi, also executive vice president of the Board of Directors of the CCIC, has acquired valuable experience in various fields over the past 40 years. As an executive leader, she has managed large teams that are in transformation and need to redefine themselves to succeed. Her career at Bell Canada allowed her to lead all sectors of the company including finance, personnel management, marketing and communications, training and operations management.
“One of the important things to remember for a mentor is that they learn as well from their protégé. In my case, I worked with a brilliant and talented person which allowed me to progress and evolve. I am very grateful.”
The ICCC would like to thank Marie Anna Bacchi for taking part in this important project and helping the Italian company NETIDEA WEBRANKING srl in their internationalization process, through her knowledge!